Tuesday, July 26, 2011

An Adoption Journey

NOTE - I've added our journey pages which are listed to the left.  I hope this makes it easier for everyone to view - thanks!!!

Many of you reading this know my family and our adoption journey well, however many of you don't.  I have created this blog so that many more of you may come to know us, and to understand why we have chosen the path that we have and why we are fighting for children to have a loving home.  We hope to gather as much support and attention as possible for children around the world that are waiting for forever families.  I'm sharing our story as part of this effort and to encourage others to move forward with adoption.

I adopted my first daughter Ru, a medical needs child, from China in 2005. It has always been in my heart to bring home another medical or special needs child from China, and the journey has guided my daughter and I there this year.  It has not been without significant obstacles though as many things have changed in the program and overall process.   In Sept of 2006, my daughter and I were at a picnic hosted by our adoption agency.  My social worker informed me at that time that China may soon discontinue the programs that included single parents and other groups.  Knowing that my heart so wanted another child from China, and my daughter a sibling, he suggested I start the process for that child as quickly as possible. 

In Dec of 2006 the China Center for Adoption Affairs announced that as of May of 2007 single applicants would no longer be accepted.  Based on the 8% quota that China had in place at the time for single applicants my agency was unable to provide an opportunity for me to get my dossier logged in on time.  I scurried to find another agency that could help me continue my adoption journey.  I was very blessed in that another agency had a prospective single mother withdraw her application from the program.  With documents ready, I was able to secure that opening and get my dossier logged in six weeks before the program termination. 

When one window opens though, another closes, and while it seemed significant at the time, to reflect on it now, was only a little bump in the adoption road.  The funds I had paid to the first agency were lost.  In addition, the China Center for Adoption Affairs had notified my new placement agency that the amount of money I had to make as single parent had increased.  I was unable to meet that requirement at the time and needed to relocate to earn a higher salary.  The relocation cost itself put a significant strain on the adoption budget as did other aspects in the process.  Once we relocated from the East coast I had to engage yet another agency for Colorado and Department of Homeland Security updates, and pay their fees.   During the process China increased fees in country and a variety of other fees were implemented or increased for various reasons.  Needless to say God has carried us through a long and sometimes seemingly hopeless journey.  He has seen us through this far and we have made it through.  He has given us the gift of my new son who has just joined our family. 

It is a struggle for so many who want to walk the same road.  They want to provide a loving, blessed family to a child but find the obstacles too great.  For those of you thinking of adopting but fearing obstacles, try, God will help get you there if you really want and work for it hard enough.  It took a long time to be led to my son, and a great deal of financial expense, but I can tell you from my heart that it is worth it, much more than words can say.  There is a way, despite your age, or your savings account, or your marital status, you can find a way with His help. 

China has now reopened their doors to single mothers once again for Special Focus Children (children waiting more than a few months, older children or children with more significant concerns),  and my new son is one such child in that he is completely deaf.  But while the current requirements are more significant than those in the past for China, they are only temporary obstacles that can be overcome.   There are children all over the world that need families.  Try, God will guide you and Jesus will carry you.

Blessings to All



Vicky said...

What a long journey! Keep on blogging, you will be an inspiration to the singles out their wanting to adopt! What a beautiful story of love and determination!

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting at the table at Game Time, where I noticed you're blog spot address. Today is my first day without Ru, and I am legitimately upset about it. I miss her already, there is no one to sit on my lap, or play with my hair, or be my blanket when I lay down. Sure there are other kids but none would suffice like Ru does. As much of a struggle as your going through I can honestly say I wish all parents had to go through your process to have a child. All children would be so much more appreciated and to a point, loved. I just wanted to wish you the best of luck on your trip and with your children. If anyone has proven they deserve another child its you; just look at Ru.

Tell her I say hi Ru Bear and I miss her, and to remember my post card.
Love, Kelcie Scott

4sons4grandsons said...

Hi Denise and Ru-Ru,

I forgot to ask when you would arrive at your destination. You have been in my thoughts and prayers all day today. I told Shauna at lunch that you had been in the air for 6 hrs already.
I hope you will still be able to post when you arrive. OK, OK...you can have until morning!

Love you two,
Mrs. J

Vicky said...

Praying that all goes well as you travel this month; not sure of the exact date! Praying that all will go well and that you will have sweet precious bonding!

4sons4grandsons said...

Hugs to you both! So good to hear that you arrived safely and are playing today. I will have to have a look at your destinations for today. Praying all went well for you and it was lots of fun!!

Joan Huot said...

Great to hear your voice today. Ru sounds like she is having a blast. Tell Maria we said hello. Love Mom and Dad

Libby said...

Denise, I am reading and I am glad that you got to meet Aina before going to Chengdu. I can't wait to read what is to come. Good luck Monday. I will have my eyes peered to your blog that day. Although you may not be able to post anything depending on Kai.
Thoughts and wishes, Libby
PS-Tell Aina I said "hi" and wish I was there!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to meet Kai! :D I miss you and Ru! Hope you guys are having fun in China! :) LOVE YOU!

4sons4grandsons said...

Thinking of you today and wondering how you spent your day. Time is drawing near and I am praying that Monday is an awesome time of bonding and loving!!:)

4sons4grandsons said...

Awesome pix! Humm, so they cover you up when you hug a panda. They should when you hold a koala as they have a rather unpleasant mating scent that gets on you and we had to buy new shirts to get rid of the smell!! I would still do it again!!
Dick wants to go to China so he can hold a panda!!
Hugs and kisses!

Anonymous said...

Hi all - This is Dee's Mom . We talked Ru and Dee yesterday morning our time and they both sounded great. Lots of kiddy laughter in the background. Ru told me all about her new brother- love at first sight I guess. Can't wait to meet him.

Anonymous said...

Hi again - Dee is finally heading home . It's already Friday in China. She hopes to be back in Durango late Friday night. I cannot imagine 24 hours of travel with a 4 year who is still figuring out his new world. He is very posssive of his backpack because he is so used to not having things of his own. She also sent a really cute picture of Ru and Kai hugging - but I haven't got any idea how to post it here.

Vicky said...

I pray things are going well for you and your little man!

Vicky said...

I pray the house works out for you and your family! It's good to hear that Kai is adjusting and learning sign language. I pray that he continues to bond and learn about family and sharing. I pray to for the other medical issues you are discovering.

I'm sure Ru loves having a little brother most days!:o) I bet at times it is hard to share mama, after having you all to herself for so many years! She is such a good big sister to be willing to move for what is best for her new little brother. I know that makes you so proud of her!

Blessing to all in the days ahead!